Neville: This Arsenal team has a better chance of winning the Premier League title than last year

Carragher recently stated on the show that if Arsenal continue to maintain their current form, they will not be able to win the league title. But Neville held the completely opposite opinion, saying that Arsenal’s chances of winning the championship this year are much greater than last year.

Neville wrote on Twitter: “In my opinion, this team is more likely to win the league than last year. They maintained a high level last year and accumulated a lot of points. On the other hand, Manchester City did not play as well as they did in previous years. So catchy, but it won the Triple Crown.

I think that’s the case with Arsenal this year when playing against Premier League teams. Perfect and beautiful football, if not combined with tenacity and resilience, is unlikely to win the league. Arsenal are better in those areas this year and the footballing stuff will show in due time.

They have a strength and ability that makes them a real threat. This may all be bullshit, but that’s my opinion a third of the way through the season. “