Marotta: Cristiano Ronaldo is a great champion who conveys his belief to his teammates. Everyone supports Zhang Kangyang

Live Broadcast, December 5th: Inter Milan CEO Marotta participated in the TV special program “Who Framed Marotta?” “, answered many children’s questions.

Lautaro rejected offers from big teams, can he become the banner of Inter Milan?

Marotta: “First of all, Lautaro is a very good football player and a very good father. He is a player with important values ​​in his heart – he loves Inter Milan as much as Inter Milan loves him – It’s a good concept. He wants to stay and we’re happy to keep him. Now he’s a flag because he’s the captain of the team. If they give you the armband, it’s because you’re the captain of the team. People are a little different.”

Did Ronaldo make you angry at Juventus?

Marotta: “He was a very good player and still is, and above all he was a great champion. A champion is the one who can convey belief to his teammates, he is the leader of the team , he’s the most famous player and he brings other people into the game. So it’s challenging but it doesn’t make me angry.”

Wouldn’t it be boring to always wear a suit and tie?

Marotta: “I have also prepared this outfit for you. You are an important guest and in order to create a warm and welcoming feeling in our home, it is right to welcome you in a formal way (laughs).”

Is there any other path he would like to take in football?

Marotta: “I had two paths: either to be a manager or to be a journalist. For the first six months I tried to do both and in the end I chose to be a manager too. Because opportunities arise. When you have experience, you are better able to handle situations. I am famous because I often avoid questions and say nothing, which is Andreotti (former Italian Prime Minister) Way. Or a white lie, but it’s political.”

What happened in Skriniar?

Marotta: “There were some differences and difficulties between him and Inter, which led to a breakdown in our friendship and sense of belonging. Our paths diverged, he went to Paris and we continued without him Moving forward. I would say, good”.

The most unknown player you signed who went on to become a great champion?

Marotta: “There are many such examples. The most recent one is a great professional player who entered the national team, named Matteo Darmian. He was bought by Ausilio and me at a very low price. The lad, and now he is a much more valuable player, he is one of the players I respect the most because of his seriousness and set of values. I hope you follow his example. Damian is a slowly showing A player of his own worth, even when there are no newspapers or TV to give him space.”

What was the most difficult signing?

“Now at Juventus, Pogba. When we signed him, he was a little older than you and it was a very complicated negotiation. Because he came from Manchester United and had not renewed his contract, there were many teams Everyone wants to sign him. Negotiating his signing is very difficult, very complicated.”

Will Zhang Kangyang still be in charge of Inter Milan?

Marotta: “Zhang Kangyang is young, outstanding and ambitious. He is willing to serve as the chairman of Inter Milan. So we hope he stays and we all support him.”

Do you still remember the first interview in your career?

Marotta: “My first interview was in 1983 on the Bar Sport show hosted by the legendary Carlo Sassi. It was the first time I faced the camera and I use that interview to compare those years with There is always room for improvement due to the differences in current communication methods.”

What will you do after leaving Inter Milan?

Marotta: “In life, even if you are young, you may retire and it is right for everyone to follow their passion. When I said that after football I wanted to go into politics, it was because I loved dealing with children’s Problems, especially in the field of sport. In Italy we still have problems, lack of infrastructure, not enough training grounds, not enough dressing rooms. I am willing to work on doing these things to improve the quality of sport in Italy. This is what I do with passion and for your brother Things done for profit.”