Jorginho: Arteta is the secret to Arsenal’s success

  Jorginho recently spoke to Paramount+ and said the secret to Arsenal’s success lies in Arteta

Jorginho said: “We are in a good position now because of the way we work, the players always want to improve and keep pushing to win games. We are doing well now and I think the team is in the right direction. on the road.”

“Rice is a great player. When you have great players around you, everything becomes easier. We have the same goal and we try to help each other on the court.”

“Arteta is the secret to Arsenal’s success, he is a great coach because he wants the best from all his players and pushes everyone to their limit. I think he will win a lot in his coaching career Kudos to him, not just because he’s a great coach, but because he’s a great person.”

“When I was 15 years old, I was playing football at a school in Brazil. A football agent from Italy noticed me and brought me to Verona. I went alone to pursue my football dream, which was not easy. At that age, I moved to the other side of the world on my own and only had 20 euros a week to live on, but I’m grateful for it all because it allowed me to grow a lot.”