Royal Flounder! Real Madrid official: Carvajal injured the soleus muscle in his left leg and will be out for 3-4 weeks

Live Broadcast, December 4th: Real Madrid officially released an injury announcement. Carvajal underwent examination today and the soleus muscle of his left leg was injured. Western media predict that Carvajal will be injured for 3-4 weeks, and the club’s goal is to have him catch up with the Spanish Super Cup on January 10.

Real Madrid announcement:

After the Real Madrid Medical Service examined our player Dani Carvajal, he was diagnosed with an injury to the soleus muscle of his left leg and will be sidelined for a to-be-determined time.

In this round of La Liga, Real Madrid defeated Granada 2-0. At the beginning of the second half, Real Madrid replaced Carvajal with Vazquez. After the game, Ancelotti said that the reason for this substitution was due to Cardiff. Wahal muscles are “overloaded”.