Falling apart 💥Sky: Ten Hag loses half of the support in the dressing room, players say they don’t listen

Live Broadcast, December 5th, Sky Sports reporter Kaveh Solhekol reported that Ten Hag’s locker room is experiencing chaos, and the players are questioning his tactics and the way he treats Sancho.

After losing to Newcastle United, the players have become disillusioned with Ten Hag. One source even suggested that Ten Hag had lost the support of half the players in the dressing room after he refused to listen to his players and continued to exclude Sancho from the squad.

Kaveh Solhekol said: “My sources revealed that some players are confused about what is happening and Ten Hag has lost the support of half the dressing room.”

“A considerable number of players are dissatisfied with his playing style and believe that the training tasks are too heavy, which makes them consume too much in training. The players said that they don’t know what they are running for.”

“There are also some senior players who have gone to communicate with Ten Hag, saying that they think the club is going in the wrong direction and sharing their experiences of playing in big clubs. At the same time, they also pointed out that Ten Hag should be a little more emotional.”

“They think personnel management can be better, but Ten Hag is the coach and the one who makes decisions. Ten Hag doesn’t change, he has to do things his own way.”

“I understand that there are some players who think ten Hag is too opinionated and too mechanical.”

The long-term confrontation between Ten Hag and Sancho is also one of the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the players.

Kaveh Solhekol said: “Some players are dissatisfied with the way Ten Hag treats Sancho. There are some people close to Sancho in the dressing room. Now Sancho has to train with the children and have to eat by himself. Many people think this unacceptable.”

“There are always unhappy people in the dressing room, but when you lose there are always more of them.”